
Showing posts from January, 2022

MyDiaryPagesMY DIARY PAGES,About our surroundings,neighbourhood and and fitness,yoga,

Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy

  Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy Introduction I have a dog named Roxy, a Rottweiler by breed. I bred it when it was one month old. My son bought it from Dehradun on 16 August 2019. He trained it as per his knowledge and skill.  It was very small in size and cute in looking. So, every member of the family would take it in his/her lap while it preferred running on the floor and biting the wooden sofa. It growled when objected. Thus, it disfigured the corners of the sofa and chairs. My son arranged a bone toy for her and now, it engaged to chew the toy most of the time. When, it was one year old it dominated other dogs on the road. She was always ready to challenge and fight against them. Some times, it would run after the calves. Colour Size.and Weight Rottweiler, a muscles dog She is of black colour, average size of Rottweiler but her weight in fifth year is approximately 30 kg. Her black coat have shinning, it walks along with rippling muscles and pace. Her weight is con

The New films in 2022 [by b.s.bisht]

  Manushi Chhillar As A Skilled Teacher For Girls Manisha Chhillar is working in Yashraj Films as a heroine of Akshay Kumar and the film Prathivi Raj 21 is likely to release in the month of January22. But, due to the third wave of Corona, this release is postponed for coming months. Manisha Chhillar had been  a World Beauty  Queen. So,  she decided to do some thing important for the girls of India in the field of woman - Empowerment.She was very innovative during her studies. She wished to do something new in life. She has to debug in cinema but it is late now. She wants to educate and guide the young girls of India, looking for their future. She feels, the life and teachings of some of the women inspired and motivated her life. The Lesson Of Skill and Zeal She started a new series of Woman Empowerment in which she talks to some selected girls to boost their moral and promise to support them in their innovative life journey. Her mission is to intervein the irrelevant superstiti

Guidelines For Home Isolation [by B.S.Bisht]

  Guidelines For Home Isolation in India According to guidelines circulated by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Centre Government, the coronz patients having light   or no symptoms follow the following guidelines andco-operate to save others. Whom to be Isolated 1-The patients having no corona symptoms, but report ,Positive, and oxygen level is more than 93%. 2-The doctor has identified the person as corona patient with light or no symptoms. 3-One care taker, for 24 hours service, available at home. 4-During Isolation,the family of the caretaker should have the phone number of the District/    Sub Division Control room, so that he/she may get advice. 5-The person responsible for 24 hours look after must be vaccinated both the doses. 6-The patients,over 60 years or suffering from hyper tention, diabetes,heart disease, liver, and kidney related disease will be permitted for home isolation, only after doctor's check-up and advice. 7-The patients whose immunity is weak du

When Will IPL 2022 Start? (By B.S.Bisht)

 When Will IPL 2022 Start? The 15th IPL season may start from the last weekof the coming month of March to the last week of      May 2022. BCCI is in favour of starting T-20-20 matches in India this year. Some reliable sources predict, the IPL may start from 27th March.Meanwhile, total1214 players have registered themselves for IPL. The number of Indian players 896 and  318  foreign players have registered in IPL commencing next month. Among them 312 international,312 uncapped and 41 players of Associate teams. What  BCCI Secretary Says BCCI Secretary Jai Sah said, he feels joy announcing the 15th season of IPL tournaments will start from the last week of March and continue by the end of May. Most of the owners of the teams wish the tournament to be started in India. BCCI will try its best on its part to organise the tournaments in our country. BCCI has never compromised with the Health and Security issues of the players in the past as well as, consider over the plan B also.It


  SYLLABUS FOR NURSERY CLASSES - HIDE AND SEEK In every country of the world, the school going age for children is reduced from 5 years to 2-3 years. In the beginning of the school system, it was no age bar or scale for beginners. The children staying with their parents whole day, spent their time with fun and enjoyment. The parents gave them an opportunity to learn the basic skills, languages, and numericals skills through the events, incidents and accidents they saw or experienced with their own eyes. The surroundings, homely atmosphere, friends, cattle, pet animals, fields, occupation and family members, were their the apretus of their learning laboratory at home up to 5 years. The parents were their guides. It is the natural concept of learning acknowledged by all in the world. THE CONCEPT OF SCHOOLING In this competitive world, The schooling is also targeted globally and the babies are the most sufferers. Now the parents show their talent to register the name and seat for t


  SOCIAL REFORMERS OF INDIA The twentieth century is a great period in India's social and cultural history. Thirled with the desire to reform the society according to the requirements of the modern worldof science and technology,democracy, and nationalism,the thoughtful Indians set out to reform the traditional ways and methods that were inevitably etched to the Indian culture. INDIA INDEBTED TO SOCIAL REFORMERS The  Indian social reformers uphold the Indian philosophy and culture to its best. The status of women was uplifted. The education system was modernised. Child marriage, Cast rigidity,and Sati system was banned. India made a remarkable progress in every walk of life. All this led to a growth and development of our nation and ever since, we are continuously making progress on the path of development. SWAMI VIVEKANAND (18Jan1863-4July1902) He is known as the Youth Icon and his birthday January 12, is celebrated as the National Youth Day in India. Swami Vivekananda was


THE THIRD WAVE OF CORONA  /  AMICRON Covid-19 is spreading faster in India than projected earlier, said IIT professor and asked the people to take care by growing immunity with proper nutrition and yoga exercises. Manish Agrawal, professor of IIT Kanpur said that the third wave of covid-19 , which is caused by Omicron, has reached its peak in Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata as predicted by IITs sutra model. The optimism comes from the massive decline in new coronavirus caseloads in the top 15 districts which had the maximum infections ENDEMIC COVID, NOT END OF DANGER The Word Health Organisation warned against the notion that the covid-19 pandemic would not mean the end of danger.The rapidly-spreading ve rient of corona is much more contagious than previous strains but seems to cause less serious disease for vaccinated people. that has triggered a debate on whether the virus is on the verse of passing fro


  UTTARPRADESH M. L. A. ELECTION 2022 crossorigin="anonymous"> INTRODUCTION: I usually write MY DIARY PAGES containing social issues, morning walk experience, environment, internet business and political news. But, today I write on the current issue UTTARPRADESH M. L.A. ELECTION 2022. In 5 states of India, the legislative Assembly are in progress. The notification is already declared. The political parties are going door to door for connivance as election commission of India has given instructions and guidelines for election 2022. The parties can't arrange gathering in public places for connivance. So, the mood of election is very interesting now in Uttar Pradesh. The political parties are declaring the list of candidates slowly-slowly calculating the chemistry of politics. It is in fuss these days which party is going to form government in this election and who  crowns on the seat of Chief Minister. U.P. M.L.A. ELECTION 2022   ELECTION NOTIFICATION AND GUIDELINES


  MY WEEKLY DIARY {JANUARY 22). I usually write MY DIARY PAGES on the social issues, morning walk experiences, internet business, computer technology, work home culture, covid-19 (corona epidemic) and different topics of current world. But today I share my ideas State Assembly Election of 5 states in India. 1-Uttar Pradesh 2- Uttarakhand 3- Punjab 4-Goa 5-Manipur. The third wave of corona epidemic has turned the pitch of politics in India, wet and slip. India is one of the largest democracy in the world. It has a good reputation globally. Indian people also feel proud on its democratic set up. There are many political parties in the country along with local political parties. The main national parties in U.P' and UTTARAKHAND State legislative Assembly are: UTTARAKHAND STATE MAP/ SC ST Seats 1-BHARATIYA JANTA PARTY 2-INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS 3-SAMAJWADI PARTY 4-BAHUJAN SAMAJWADI PARTY 5-AAP 6-RASTRIYA LOK DAL 7-APNA DAL 8-ALL INDIAMUSLIM MAJLIS 9-PEACE PARTY OF INDIA 10-QUAMI


  Blogging – Great Experience! Blogging is a great way to log your ideas, opinions and experiences regarding any subject that you strongly feel for. When blogging began it was just a means of expressing oneself but over time the purpose of blogging has undergone a phenomenal change. Today blogging has come to be a great marketing tool and the next step to creating a blog is to begin efforts for diverting traffic to your blog. Blogs can actually get a lot of traffic and be a marketing platform for your products and services. Blogging can also become a source of income for you and just writing a blog on any issue or a product review can be a means of income for you. There are several blog affiliate marketing programs that can divert a lot of traffic to your blog and make it real hot property in no time. HOW YOU GET TRAFFIC TO YOUR BLOG  Ways of getting traffic to your blog would be to have firstly, very informative and interesting content in your blog. Content plays a very import


What can you do to earn money from blog ?    Having blog can be useful and exciting. You can share your opinion, idea or comment. But beside of that you can also can get profit with your blog. How could it be? If you never have ideas how to earn money from blog, you can consider to use this idea for your blog. Earn money with Adsense. Google ask the website and blog owner to join in adsense in displaying ads on your blog. By displaying ads in your blog, you can earn money, if your reader click the ads. To join Google Adsense is free, so you can join now! Beside of Google Adsense, you can try other ads network service (bidvertiser, adbrite, etc) but many people chose adsense as their ads on blog, because its popularity. HOW TO EARN MONEY FROM BLOGS?  Click here (Earn Money from blog by pasting the adsense code) for more detail in the article. Earn money with Affiliate Marketing Affiliate programs are another great way to earn money from blog. You just provide the link to your aff

MyDiaryPagesMY DIARY PAGES,About our surroundings,neighbourhood and and fitness,yoga,