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Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy

  Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy Introduction I have a dog named Roxy, a Rottweiler by breed. I bred it when it was one month old. My son bought it from Dehradun on 16 August 2019. He trained it as per his knowledge and skill.  It was very small in size and cute in looking. So, every member of the family would take it in his/her lap while it preferred running on the floor and biting the wooden sofa. It growled when objected. Thus, it disfigured the corners of the sofa and chairs. My son arranged a bone toy for her and now, it engaged to chew the toy most of the time. When, it was one year old it dominated other dogs on the road. She was always ready to challenge and fight against them. Some times, it would run after the calves. Colour Size.and Weight Rottweiler, a muscles dog She is of black colour, average size of Rottweiler but her weight in fifth year is approximately 30 kg. Her black coat have shinning, it walks along with rippling muscles and pace. Her weight is con

Guidelines For Home Isolation [by B.S.Bisht]

 Guidelines For Home Isolation in India

According to guidelines circulated by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Centre Government, the coronz patients having light   or no symptoms follow the following guidelines andco-operate to save others.

Whom to be Isolated

1-The patients having no corona symptoms, but report ,Positive, and oxygen level is more than 93%.

2-The doctor has identified the person as corona patient with light or no symptoms.

3-One care taker, for 24 hours service, available at home.

4-During Isolation,the family of the caretaker should have the phone number of the District/    Sub Division Control room, so that he/she may get advice.

5-The person responsible for 24 hours look after must be vaccinated both the doses.

6-The patients,over 60 years or suffering from hyper tention, diabetes,heart disease, liver, and kidney related disease will be permitted for home isolation, only after doctor's check-up and advice.

7-The patients whose immunity is weak due to HIV, organ transplantation, cancer treatment, are not eligible for home isolation but permitted only at doctor's advice.

8-The home isolated patient's family members must have to follow the home-quartien guide lines.

Doos and Don'ts

 Doos (What to do)

*Stay away in a seperate room during Home-Isolation.

*Don't dishearten at Isolation period and keep your morale up.

*Always use triple layer mask and change the mask after every 8 hours, or use a new mask if dirty or wet.

*If the care taker enters the patient's room, both should wear N-95 mask.

*The used mask, cut in pieces should be litter after 72 hours.

*Take rest, use soup and nutritious diet and drink much water.

*Wash your hands,time to time for 40 seconds, or use alcohol based sanitizer.

*Don't touch your face with your hands, and use tissue paper while sneezing or coughing.

*Use seperate toilet sheet, which shouldn't be used by others.

*Note down the reading of your pulse rate, heart-beat and body temperature both time at morning and evening and share it to covid-incharge.

What Not To Do (Don'ts)

*Don't come in contact with any family member of the familyduring Home-Isolation.

*Don't move out here and there in the house.

*Don't spit or sneeze in an open place.

*Use a dustbin with a a lid, seperate from the family.

*Don't use the family lounge or kitchen,at any rate.

*Don't invite guest and outsiders at home.

*Keep distance from the children, old persons, pregnant women and the patients suffering from morbid diseases as (B.P. sugar, heart disease, kidney patients etc.)

Patient's Treatment During Home-Isolation

*If the patient is already under treatment of any other disease, will continue his treat ment.

*They can take medicinal consultation on e-Sanjiwani Portal by Tele-Consultation Service.

*The patient must go under treatment of symptoms based sneezing, flowing nose, coughing and high fever.

*If the patient's fever is not down after consuming 650 mg paracetamol, must consult the doctor.

*The patient should take steam and gargar for three times with hot water.

*The information from social media may be harmful for the patients.

*During Home-Isolation, any kind of clinical test, lab, radiology, C.T. scan should not go through in hurry.

*Stroyd, is not permitted in light symptoms.

 Medicinal Requirement During Home-Isolation

The patient and the care taker will share the progress report regulary. If,found the following symptoms, the doctors should be consulted atonce.

*High fever for which is not coming down for three days temperature more than 100 degree F.

*Difficulty in breathing.

*Shortage of Oxygen Saturation in body(Spo2 >93%)

*Feeling over tiredness or lethargic.

*Regular Chest pain or Pressure on chest.

*Doubts in mind and unawakening.

Duration Of Home-Isolation.

The duration for home-isolation is for 7 days after the positive report with 3 days break in fever.But the person will continue wearing mask and follow the covid like attitude. It is no need to re-test after complete isolated period.

Guidelines For Caretaker And Family Members

*The care giver comlulsorily wear the three layer mask. when he enters the patient's room, should wear N-95 mask.

*The patient will not be served food, water,and other necessary requirements by the children, aged people,and pregnant woman.

*Don't touch the mask from the front side while used.

*Replace atonce,when it is wetor dirty.

*The care giver should not touch his nose, mouth and face.

*Wash your hands properly after the mask and guves sanitized well.

*Serve food to patent in his room.

*Don't come in direct contact of the patient.

*The utensils, pottery used by the patient must be washed by soap/ detergent and re use them after good cleaning only.

*The care giver should wash his hands after putting out the gloves, if touched the patients clothes, utensils and used items. 


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