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Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy

  Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy Introduction I have a dog named Roxy, a Rottweiler by breed. I bred it when it was one month old. My son bought it from Dehradun on 16 August 2019. He trained it as per his knowledge and skill.  It was very small in size and cute in looking. So, every member of the family would take it in his/her lap while it preferred running on the floor and biting the wooden sofa. It growled when objected. Thus, it disfigured the corners of the sofa and chairs. My son arranged a bone toy for her and now, it engaged to chew the toy most of the time. When, it was one year old it dominated other dogs on the road. She was always ready to challenge and fight against them. Some times, it would run after the calves. Colour Size.and Weight Rottweiler, a muscles dog She is of black colour, average size of Rottweiler but her weight in fifth year is approximately 30 kg. Her black coat have shinning, it walks along with rippling muscles and pace. Her weight is con



Blogging – Great Experience!

Blogging is a great way to log your ideas, opinions and experiences regarding any subject that you strongly feel for. When blogging began it was just a means of expressing oneself but over time the purpose of blogging has undergone a phenomenal change. Today blogging has come to be a great marketing tool and the next step to creating a blog is to begin efforts for diverting traffic to your blog. Blogs can actually get a lot of traffic and be a marketing platform for your products and services. Blogging can also become a source of income for you and just writing a blog on any issue or a product review can be a means of income for you. There are several blog affiliate marketing programs that can divert a lot of traffic to your blog and make it real hot property in no time.


 Ways of getting traffic to your blog would be to have firstly, very informative and interesting content in your blog. Content plays a very important role in getting people to check out your blog. Regular updating of the blog content is another important factor as it is the only way you can retain the interest of the people who have started visiting your blog. A good blog affiliate marketing technique would be to link your blog to similar other blog sites. Monetizing your blog or how to generate income from your blog can become very simple if you do keep the following things in mind:

1- The content provided on the blog should be keyword based. This would help bring traffic to your blog through the search engines. 

2-The advertisements provided on the blog should be such that it is related to the blog and also links provided should be subject related. This would provide additional information related to the topic for all those who visit your blog.

3- The quality of the content should be very high. The content should be such that provides appropriate solutions. 

4- Provide content that is of interest to a major share of people. If you keep the above points in mind then monetizing your blog will no longer be a far-fetched dream.


 There are thousands of blogs that are started everyday and efforts are being made to divert traffic to each one of them . In spite of all these efforts and millions of words of content being generated , there are very few successful blogs that manage to interest the public at large. It is this secret that one has to master. Efforts are put in by all who want to achieve success but success comes to those who not only work but work smart.


 So a little understanding of the market trends and a little creativity is all you need to monetizing your blog and making it a huge success. If your blog is one that receives a lot of traffic then you are sitting on top of a goldmine and this is just the beginning of good times to come.

Blogs Could Become An Embarrassing Exposure.

Public entries intended for friends could become an embarrassing exposure. The number of places where young people go to bare their souls, to vent, to gossip is increasing. These places are the blogs ? where people post their innermost thoughts for any number of Web surfers to see. My philosophy is to be totally honest  whether it's about my neighbor's dog or my opinions about Iraq war, since the people who read my blog are friends or acquaintances of mine, said Sarah, who lives in suburban Illinois and has been blogging for three years. But some people find that a price can be paid for putting one's life online. 

Maya Marcel-Keyes, daughter of conservative politician Alan Keyes, had some discussions on her blog about being a lesbian, and this became an issue during her father's recent campaign for U.S. Senate because he made anti-gay statements. Such incidents can cause personal and public dramas, often taking on a life they wouldn’t have if the Web had not come along and turned individuals into publishers. 


Other people think that some blog entries about partying and dating exploits will have ramifications down the road. “I would bet that in the 2016 election, somebody’s Facebook entry will come back to bite them,”, says Steve Jones, head of the communications department at the University of Illinois at Chicago, referring to a networking site for college students and alumni, that is something of a cross between a yearbook and a blog. Some traditional blog sites, like Xanga, LiveJournal or My Space, which allow easy creation of a Web site with text, photos and often music, have gotten more popular in recent years, especially among the younger set.


 Pew Internet & American Life Project made some surveys completed in recent months and found that nearly a fifth of teens who have access to the Web have their own blogs. And 38 percent of teens say they read other people’s blogs. I'm increasingly hearing stories about the risk of posting a blog, says Amanda Lenhart, a researcher at Pew. For example, a man whose daughter was a college student looking for a job. He typed his daughter's name into a search engine and found her blog, with a title that began “The Drunken Musings of Musician group” And they surely have some discussions, said Lenhart, chuckling.

5 Things You Should Know About Blogging

So you want to join in on the blogging phenomenon? Before you get started, there are a few things you should know about blogging. Blogging is a lot like an online journal. There are thousands of bloggers online posting each day. It is a trend that started in 1997 and has continued to grow steadily. If you are interesting in blogging, but have not yet began, read over these five things you should know before you begin. 


You Can Be Personal many times new bloggers are really not sure what to post. They know that their blog is a personal space, but they are afraid to make their posts personal in any way. The best bloggers do put themselves out there via their posts. They will post what's on their mind and their views or opinions on pressing issues. They may do so in a humorous manner or be quite serious.


 Sometimes new bloggers are afraid to post their true thoughts because their blog can be commented upon. The fact is however that not everyone will agree with your thoughts and posts, but you should not let that hold you back. These are people who don't personally know you, so their comments really don't matter much anyway.

3- Don't be afraid to let your true feelings show on your blog, after all, that it what an online journal is all about. Don't be too personal. Although it is fine to be personal in your posts, you might not want to be too personal in how much you disclose about yourself. For example, including your phone number or address in a post or on your profile is probably not a good idea. 

4--You should think smart and only allow people to know things that you want them to know. For your own safety, you might not want to post your last name either. When someone has a lot of information about you, it is easier for them to victimize you through identity theft, harassment, or other crimes. So, stay safe and never post really private information. Never Use Real Names When you are posting, and keeping it personal and real, there can be times in which other people in your life come up in topic.

5- Be very careful including other people in your posts. First, never use their real names. This is a huge mistake. Unless the person gives you permission to write about them, you should never do so. It will only lead to trouble. If the person you mention reads your blog, they could get offended that you are writing about them. Even if the post is positive, it can be seen much like talking behind their back. Try to keep the posts about you or celebrities or other public figures. Let everyone else's business remain their own. Keep It Fresh One of the best things you can do as a blogger is to keep your blog fresh. This means that you should be posting often and changing things around when doing so.


 Post on different topics so your audience can stay interested. Also, post at least twice a week. People who will become fans of your site will want to read as much as possible on your blog. Updating your blog regularly will allow them to be entertained. If you only post once a month, chances are no one will remember to keep checking your blog and your traffic will not be impressive. You Can Blog For Free Before you pay an arm and a leg for a blogging space, you should know that there are sites where you can blog for free. Yes, for no charge at all you can set up your own blog. 


These sites are great for the new blogger. If you want something a little more sophisticated, you might have to pay for it. The free sites are very well maintained however. They are easy to use and offer several different templates for you to use when designing your blog. They automatically update your posts for you, which make them a breeze! Remember, you should not pay a large fee for your blog, especially if you are new to blogging. Do your research and find the free sites!


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