MyDiaryPagesMY DIARY PAGES,About our surroundings,neighbourhood and and fitness,yoga,

Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy

  Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy Introduction I have a dog named Roxy, a Rottweiler by breed. I bred it when it was one month old. My son bought it from Dehradun on 16 August 2019. He trained it as per his knowledge and skill.  It was very small in size and cute in looking. So, every member of the family would take it in his/her lap while it preferred running on the floor and biting the wooden sofa. It growled when objected. Thus, it disfigured the corners of the sofa and chairs. My son arranged a bone toy for her and now, it engaged to chew the toy most of the time. When, it was one year old it dominated other dogs on the road. She was always ready to challenge and fight against them. Some times, it would run after the calves. Colour Size.and Weight Rottweiler, a muscles dog She is of black colour, average size of Rottweiler but her weight in fifth year is approximately 30 kg. Her black coat have shinning, it walks along with rippling muscles and pace. Her weight is con


What can you do to earn money from blog?


 Having blog can be useful and exciting. You can share your opinion, idea or comment. But beside of that you can also can get profit with your blog. How could it be? If you never have ideas how to earn money from blog, you can consider to use this idea for your blog. Earn money with Adsense. Google ask the website and blog owner to join in adsense in displaying ads on your blog. By displaying ads in your blog, you can earn money, if your reader click the ads. To join Google Adsense is free, so you can join now! Beside of Google Adsense, you can try other ads network service (bidvertiser, adbrite, etc) but many people chose adsense as their ads on blog, because its popularity.


 Click here (Earn Money from blog by pasting the adsense code) for more detail in the article. Earn money with Affiliate Marketing Affiliate programs are another great way to earn money from blog. You just provide the link to your affiliate market, and let your visitor click. Your visitor will be linked to affiliate web, and if they follow the instruction or even purchase the product, you can earn money. To know more about affiliate network you can use this. Earn money with Business Blog. Blog as journal or diary, also coul be as business promotion. You can sell your produat or service with your blog If it makes sense for you to earn money from blog, you can try one of them or to combine all of them. You can choose and try and you can really earn money from blog

The Blogging Phenomenon Explained!

When blogging hit the web, it did so with a bang. Blogging is now one of the most popular forms of communication via the web. Before, web surfers would simply browse through sites with preformatted text on them. There was very little chance for a surfer to comment on a site or to offer their opinion on anything. If a surfer wanted to voice their opinion via the web, they had to start their own webpage. Starting a webpage is perfect for some surfers, but it is way too complicated for most. In addition, starting a webpage usually takes a small investment, which is something not many surfers want to offer up just so they can post their views.


 People today can find blog sites that offer blog space for much less than a typical webpage. Many sites will offer blog space for free. When you begin a blog, you will notice that they are all laid out basically the same way. Some experts will call their layout the last-in-first style. This is a very tricky name that simply notes that the last thing the person, or blogger, wrote will show up at the top of the blog. Most blogging software allows for this automatically. When you sign up at a blogging site and are given your own blog space, you will likely see that after you finish typing your post and submit it, the blogging software will automatically put your last entry at the top of your blog. This helps your readers stay current without having to scroll through many posts. 


When you first get your own blog space, the blogging software will usually provide you with free templates to utilize. The templates will offer you different color and pattern styles for your blog. Some may look more feminine with flowers or pink stripes, while others will look more masculine in style. You simply choose one of the suggest templates and the software will set everything else up for you. If you have programming skills, you can typically alter this to make your own style as well. After choosing your template, you will be ready to begin posting. The great thing about the blogging phenomenon is that you can post anything you like. If you are feeling a little upset about your significant other or if you want to share some political views, you can write about them and share them with anyone who reads your blog.


 A blog is typically a lot like a diary. It may not be quite as personal, or it may be even more personal. It all depends on how much you are willing to share. You can choose to make your blog anonymous by not including your name or any contact information. This will probably make you even more comfortable posting. If you wish however, you can make your information known so that anyone who reads the blog will know it is you who is posting. Blogs are the perfect sounding board because they allow you to post and allows others to comment on your posts. By allowing others to comment, you can truly see how others feel about what you have to say. Sometimes they will offer applause and sometimes they will criticize.No matter what however, by blogging you have successfully used your freedom of speech. You should use this right whenever you can, as it is one that those before us fought strongly for and we still continue to fight for on occasion.


 Many blogs today are becoming much more complex however. Some are offering graphic options. Web users are now using this space to display pictures they have. Some people with family far away will use the blog to share day to day things or special moments with their loved ones far away. By posting information and pictures, their family and friends can log in whenever they want to check in on the blogger. Blogs mean different things to different people. They are used as diaries, sounding boards, or family update pages. They are very simple to use and are being seen all over the web. Although there are few rules to blogging at this time, there is one thing that is certain. With its growing popularity, blogging is here to stay!

Why using blog to earn money online?

This question has been around for many times. Here we will tell you the reasons why using blog to earn money 

1. You must not be an HTML expert The biggest problem to earn money from internet is HTML knowledge to design website. Blog comes as a solver problem for this matter. Most of you have to do just type what you like and let the system work for you toe display it in a webpage format.

 2. Keep the content fresh Blog is similar to online journal. Like you write your activity in your diary book, and you write it often even daily. The reader also requires frequently updated blog then seldom, because it is useful information for them.

 3. Search engine optimize blog frequently Search engine love fresh content.

 4. Blog creates A Built-In Linking Structure. Blog always creates linking between old and new post. This condition is one of tool search engine optimization. 

5. You Can Keyword-Optimize Your blog extensively. All parts of your blog’s template can be customized. And a very powerful way to do it, is by inserting relevant keywords. It’s a do-it-once job that will give you ongoing benefits for as the life of your blog. You can include keywords in your blog title, description, blog post headings, trackback links, comment invitations, archive titles, and category names. By doing this you can optimize your blog, and also can earn money from blog.

 6. You Create," An Online Community", If your blog is on a specific theme, you can build a loyal readership and develop an online community. You can even take it a notch higher by tying it in with a forum or membership site. Ask for comments, suggestions, ideas and feedback, or invite reader participation. Pretty soon, your blog will be growing organically up even if you don’t write a lot! And you have a traffic for your site.

 7. You Can Syndicate Your Content Easily Getting readers for your content is good. Getting your content out where many more readers can see it is GREAT! Syndication (via RSS feeds) is built in to most blogging platforms, giving you a quick and easy way to get a wide readership for your blog posts.

CONCLUSION: It is mostly seen in print media, the topic being irrelevant is discarded by the people bec ause its circulation is limited to a distance. But in blogs you are free to express your ideas concerning to any walk of life. The reader circle is world wide and it can't be discarded globally. So this is why new generation is running to this field largely. It is also a good source of income. Today blogging has come to be a great marketing tool and the next step to creating a blog is to begin efforts for diverting traffic to your blog. Blogs can actually get a lot of traffic and be a marketing platform for your products and services.


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