MyDiaryPagesMY DIARY PAGES,About our surroundings,neighbourhood and and fitness,yoga,

Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy

  Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy Introduction I have a dog named Roxy, a Rottweiler by breed. I bred it when it was one month old. My son bought it from Dehradun on 16 August 2019. He trained it as per his knowledge and skill.  It was very small in size and cute in looking. So, every member of the family would take it in his/her lap while it preferred running on the floor and biting the wooden sofa. It growled when objected. Thus, it disfigured the corners of the sofa and chairs. My son arranged a bone toy for her and now, it engaged to chew the toy most of the time. When, it was one year old it dominated other dogs on the road. She was always ready to challenge and fight against them. Some times, it would run after the calves. Colour Size.and Weight Rottweiler, a muscles dog She is of black colour, average size of Rottweiler but her weight in fifth year is approximately 30 kg. Her black coat have shinning, it walks along with rippling muscles and pace. Her weight is con


 MY DIARY PAGES  (  8----15   MARCH  21

INTRODUCTION: I, usually write MY DIARY PAGES, in the morning hours, pertaining, the neighboring birds, stray cattle, wild animals, morning walkers, and the young girls and boys jogging on the road. I got an injury in my right leg while I was running with my pet, a dog named Roxy, a Rotweiller.

8--9--MARCH  : )It's a fine morning. there is fog and light clouds across the sky. But the sun rays are penetrating the fog and le to fog and clouds. Still, it might be a sunny day today. The cold windis blowing in the morning . The brown headed , average size bird moving on the ground is in pair to day. It didn't make any hue and cry yester day night. It  a1à to be shifted to another place. 


9th March bears a fine morning too. The last two days in the Kumaon region were cloudy, not brighter and hot but today, it might be a bit change hoping the brighter sun. The morning bird was twittering in the morning for its eggs and shelter as she couldn't find its eggs under the soil easily. We know this bird from the flamingo family but small in size comparatively lays its eggs on the field under the soil. 

10--11  MARCH: It's a cloudy morning The clouds are thin and mild. I'm writing this page at 8 'o'clock in the morning. The sun's rays are still dim. Gradually it might be a sunny day after disperse of clouds and fog. The weather is cool and cold. It is pleasant weather. The bird crying late at night gave its presence in the morning at Haldwani. It's a piece of good news for the farmers in the Kumaon region, that the jackals cry late at night or at dawn. In absence of jackals, the wild bores multiplying the population who destroy the crop of farmers. In hilly areas, the jackals have eloped before 20 years.

11 MARCH: It's a fine and cold morning. 

Wild Bores
The sun is shining brightly, after 3 days dim light morning. It rained yester day night.  It might be the first rain in 2021 after winter season. It is useful for kharif crop. The crying bird is silent to day at Haldwani. But some other neighboring birds are twittering in the morning.  The jackals were howling at late night or at  dawn in a group yester day night. I, take it positively that the lost species of jackal in hills is reviving at foot hill city Haldwani and bhavar areas. Gradually, could move to adjoining hilly areas, sooner or later. It is SHIVRATRI to day. The devotees of lord Shiva are going to temples to offer prayers and water over the idols of lord Shiva. It's a great rush in temples ' People are waiting for their turn.

 The jackals are adorned to make an Ecological Balance among the wild lives. In absence of jackals, the wild boars disturbed the economy of hilly districts in Uttarakhand state (India).

 The busy people in hilly districts in Uttarakhand, are sitting idle looking at their deserted fields. They couldn't dare farming and agricultural jobs in their fields. The monkeys and the wild boars basically a challenge for the poor farmers in the hills. They destroy the crops as well as, hurt the persons on the fields. So, most of the people in hilly districts of Uttarakhand, have left agricultural jobs.



12 & 13 MARCH: It's a fine and cold morning at Haldwani where I'm staying for rest due to a surgical process in my fractured right leg for 45 days. The golden sun disk is flashing its rays around, which looks very charming. The sun's rays are bright and warm. For blogging, one should be a very studious and hard worker. He or she should read books, newspapers, magazines, and Google regularly. I've completed 6 blogs. mainly my focus is on Articles for after the sixties. I also like to write on social issues. 

13 MARCH: It's a cloudy morning. there are clouds across the sky. It's dim dark in the morning due to dust and dense black and grey clouds that look very awesome. It predicts that it might rain today after a couple of hours. The morning crying bird is silent today, But some other neighboring birds are chirping in the morning while I'm writing a diary page. I heard the howling of jackals last night. It's good that this lost species is surviving in the foothills areas of Bhabar. They control the huge population of wild boars. The jackals gobble up the siblings of wild boars. Thus, maintain the Ecological balance.

14 & 15 MARCH: It's a fine sunny morning. The sun's rays are bright and warm. It's a new year's day on the Hindu calendar. It is celebrated as FOOLDEYI in Uttarakhand. The children move in groups to offer prayers at the doors of their neighbors. They offer flowers and rice at the main entrance of the house singing a chorus for the wellbeing of the family as well as for their prosperity wishing them good health incoming new year. In this month of Chaitra, the brothers visit their married sisters with sweets, new clothing, and presentations. It's a very healthy festival system in Uttarakhand.

15 MARCH: It's a fine sunny morning. The sun disk in red color is flashing golden rays all around. It looks very fantastic. The morning crying bird with black neck, grey and white mixed feathers having an average body is not crying today in the morning. It is said for this crying bird that it lays its eggs under the soil but forgets its exact location. So it cries loudly as some other prey birds are seen in its surroundings. Later, it finds them and manages the reproduction, and hatch the eggs.  


Thus, I conclude the blog with the hope that the readers would get value from this article. The article especially, concerns the pet animals, wild animals, birds, and a few words relating to my injury.  The beauty of nature is an important message to our readers.



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