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Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy

 Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy


I have a dog named Roxy, a Rottweiler by breed. I bred it when it was one month old. My son bought it from Dehradun on 16 August 2019. He trained it as per his knowledge and skill.  It was very small in size and cute in looking. So, every member of the family would take it in his/her lap while it preferred running on the floor and biting the wooden sofa. It growled when objected. Thus, it disfigured the corners of the sofa and chairs. My son arranged a bone toy for her and now, it engaged to chew the toy most of the time. When, it was one year old it dominated other dogs on the road. She was always ready to challenge and fight against them. Some times, it would run after the calves.

Colour Size.and Weight

Rottweiler, a muscles dog

She is of black colour, average size of Rottweiler but her weight in fifth year is approximately 30 kg. Her black coat have shinning, it walks along with rippling muscles and pace. Her weight is constant for last one year. She is very active and cautious when looks at the monkeys and other dogs. In her childhood, it was found interested in dog fighting as it pulled its chain to jump over the poor dogs or puppies. There used to be a huge number of street dogs on the road. Most of the dogs keep a distant from my dog Roxy, the Rottweiler.

How the Rottweiler Changed its Nature

For two years, it comes along me for morning walk for 5 kilometres daily in the early morning. Now, it has changed its nature totally. The anger, aggressiveness and dominating nature is melted soon. It's now, a peace loving dog who loves everyone on the road users. It encounters a number of dogs, pets, cattle and morning walkers, young boys and  girls, ladies and gents, the old people too. It gives them all a little wink but moves along the road.

My Rottweiler is a Nice Fellow

It gets up early in the morning and gets ready for morning walk but I wait for sunlight. It's not safe to carry along the pets in the dark for morning walk because of the fear of leopard. It walks daily 3 kilometres one side and comes back on the same trek. So, the total distance covered by the pet is average 5-6 km a day. It encounters different kinds and sizes of dogs but doesn't try to mix-up with them. It has some racial superiority complexes. It takes others inferior to her, so, doesn't like to look at them.It walks on the road with grace and charming pace. All the dogs on the road let my Rottweiler- Roxy go first.

What is wrong with the People on the Road

Most of the fellow walkers welcome this creature and try to know about its habits, routine and nature. They all are pleased when come to know about her.But, there are some who are well acquainted with this pet Rottweiler as most of them are my distant neighbours. These people are busy in their business. They happen to encounter in the morning and evening, when this pet in chain goes for a walk with his master gracefully. 

The Fear of the Shopkeeper

One of the neighbours is a shopkeeper when he looks this dog coming towards his shop, he is suddenly frightened and goes inside his shop, and hides himself behind the counter. He pretends to be afraid of the dog Rottweiler, while the dog is on the road walking along with his master in chain.When it disappears, he soon comes out of the counter and gets busy in his job selling the commodities.

The Fear of the Automobile Garage Owner

There is one another businessman dealing in automobiles repairing and selling automobile services. He possesses a good health and seems to be bold as he talks with his staff and the consumers. There is no urinals inside the shopping complex, so all the shopkeepers if required go for urinal by the side of the barren shop or the deserted slope by the side of the road. It happens that my dog, the Rottweiler is likely coming to their side walking along the road, He soon putting on the jib of his pant comes down and goes back to his shop without finalising his bladder in hurry.He is a looking figure at the moment, panting due to the fear of the Rottweiler 30 meters away from him on the road going on his destination without looking at him.

The Same Fear Goes to the Bookseller

The book-seller shop is by the side of the automobile shop,when the shopkeeper looks at the Rottweiler going on the road for morning walk or evening walk with his master in chain, also comes back in his shop without delivering urine at the deserted place. The Rottweiler is well acquainted to them and shakes her tail when looks at them in gratitude.But these people have no rational thinking and love for the pets. They take the Rottweiler as a challenge. It's a phobia in their mind- set.

The Fear of the Professor for Rottweiler

The professor is master in his subject but he is afraid of the Rottweiler walking on the road with her owner. The professor, sir, responds the salute and good wishes but soon tries escape on the road looking at the Rottweiler. The pet is not cruel in looking. It's have an average weight and size with shining coat and looking charming with rippling muscles. It has not any bite case to human  by now. The professor knows the pet since her early age as puppy still he has a fear in his mind for this poor creature. The Rottweiler wants to go to him to show her love and respect to him but he keeps a distance all the time. 

The Retired Army Personal Changes His Route

One more of my neighbours is a retired army personal. He enjoyed his army life for 24 years. Now, he is in habit of regular morning walk. It inspires all but my Rottweiler is a hard object for him to face. Both the creatures are well acquainted with each other but, he pretends the Rottweiler could be a burden for him on the way. In the morning when both come across the road, the army personal tries to change his trek or hides behind a standing bus on the road and waits till the dog disappears.

The Story of the Old Man

One more person goes for morning walk daily at the age of 76,  while coming back, the Rottweiler comes across his way. The old man when looks at the dog, at the distance of 50 meters, just goes the off-side to walk along. It's in his mind that the Rottweiler could be a dangerous  and bite him which is totally wrong and impracticable. My dog looks at him with her pretty eyes, shaking her tail as it is watching the old man for years and takes him as her fellow traveller. I think the Rottweiler has a positive thinking, while these persons are adamant for Rottweiler breed for dangerous creatures.

The Unknown Fellow Travellers

Some of the unknown fellow travellers come across this pet on the trek, they always say a few words for this poor creature and this Rottweiler shakes her tail in respond. There had been a good bonding among the unknown fellow travellers and the Rottweiler. She always waits their arrival and the meeting fills her with joy and recommendation. The fact is that they are not biased for the Rottweilers. This is why, they treat her as friends and a loving creature. Thus, the unknown fellow people are good friends for my pet.


This is the story of my dog, a Rottweiler by breed. She is very affectionate and loving to all. She spends her time in her kennel peacefully. She gets the veterinary aids every year injecting 7 in 1 and Anti-Rabies for mandatory look after also d-worming 2 times a year. It got socialisation training at her puppy age. This is why, my Rottweiler is very social, loving and cheerful. Why people are panic for Rottweilers is a question to be discussed in society. The Rottweilers are guard dogs, police dogs, Army dogs and useful for safety. But some negative narration arises due to the incidents happen in society and T.V.programmes highlight the negative aspect of the animal. This one sided highlighting demolishes the beautiful image of Rottweilers in society.

Rottweiler's image


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