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Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy

  Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy Introduction I have a dog named Roxy, a Rottweiler by breed. I bred it when it was one month old. My son bought it from Dehradun on 16 August 2019. He trained it as per his knowledge and skill.  It was very small in size and cute in looking. So, every member of the family would take it in his/her lap while it preferred running on the floor and biting the wooden sofa. It growled when objected. Thus, it disfigured the corners of the sofa and chairs. My son arranged a bone toy for her and now, it engaged to chew the toy most of the time. When, it was one year old it dominated other dogs on the road. She was always ready to challenge and fight against them. Some times, it would run after the calves. Colour Size.and Weight Rottweiler, a muscles dog She is of black colour, average size of Rottweiler but her weight in fifth year is approximately 30 kg. Her black coat have shinning, it walks along with rippling muscles and pace. Her weight is con

How to Chose the Right Mate for Breeding Rotweilers

 How to Chose the Right Mate for Breeding Rotweilers


Breeding Rottweilers requires careful planning to ensure the puppies are healthy, well-tempered, and meet breed standards. Choosing the right mate for for your Rottweiler is crucial for producing healthy, well-tempered, and breed-standard puppies. In this simple article we will step by step  how to pick the best breeding mate for your Rottweiler.

1- Know the Rottweiler Breed Standard

Right mate for breeding Rottweiler

  • The first step in choosing the right mate for breeding Rottweilers is understanding the Rottweiler breed standard. This includes traits like size, coat colour, temperament, and body structure.
  • You can find the breed standard through organisations like the American Kennel Club  (AKC) or the Federation cynologique Internationale (FCI)
  • The mate you choose should meet these breed standards and complement your Rottweiler's traits. Breedin Rottweilers according to the breed standard helps produce healthy and well-balanced puppies.
2- Focus on Health

  •  Health is the most important factor when selecting a mate for your Rottweiler. Both dogs should be free from genetic health problems, common in Rottweilers, such as hip and elbow dysplasia, heart disease, and eye issues.
  • Make sure the potential mate has passed health tests. Ask the breeder for  certificates from organisations like the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) or Pen HIP. These tests show that the dog is healthy and free from inherited conditions.
  •  Breeding Rottweilers with good health ensures that the puppies have a better chance of living a long and healthy life.
3- Evaluate Temperament

  • The temperament of the breeding mate is just as important as health. Rottweilers are known for being loyal, calm, and protective, but they should not be overly aggressive or shy.
  • The ideal mate should have a balanced and stable temperament, friendly and obedient. Dogs with working titles like Schutzhund (IPO / IGP) usually have proven temperaments suitable for breeding. 
  • A good temperament is key to breeding Rottweilers that are well-behaved and easy to train.
4- Check the Pedigree

  • The pedigrees of a dog shows its family tree, including its parents, grandparents, and other ancestors. A strong pedigree often means that the dog comes from a good breeding line, which can help ensure better health and temperament in the puppies.
  • Look for a mate with a good bloodline and dogs in the pedigree with titles from dog shows or working trials. Avoid inbreeding (breeding closely related dogs), as it can increase the risk of genetic disorders.
  • Choosing a mate with a strong pedigree helps produce Rottweilerpuppies with excellent traits.
5- Look for Complementary Physical Traits

  • The mate you choose should complement your Rottweiler's physical traits. If your Rottweiler has a minor flaw, like a slightly weaker build or a less muscular frame, the mate should have stronger features in those areas.
Important Physical Traits

  • Size and Weight: Make sure the mate is within the standard size range for Rottweilers.
  • Head Shape: The dog should have a broad head with a strong jaw, typical of Rottweilers.
  • Coat: Look for a mate with a straight, dense coat in the correct black and tan colour pattern.
  • By choosing a mate with complementary traits, you can improve the physicalcharacteristics of the puppies.
6- Consider the Mate's Achievements
Choose the right mate for breeding Rottweiler

  • Dogs that have won titles  in dog shows or working competitions prove their quality and adherence to the  bred standard.  Titles like AKC Champion (CH) or Schutzhund (IPO/IGP) show that the dog has excellent conformation and temperament.
  • Choosing a mate with accomplishments can increase the likelihood of producing high- quality Rottweiler puppies that are both healthy and meet breed standards.
7- Seek Advice from Experts

  • If you're new to breeding Rottweilers, consult with experienced breeders or your veterinarian. They can help you  evaluate the suitability of a breeding mate and guide you through the breeding process.
  •  Experts can also provide valuable insights into choosing the right Rottweiler pairing and avoiding common breeding mistakes.
8- Ensure Genetic Diversity 

  • Genetic diversity is important for the health of the puppies. Avoid, breeding dogs that are closely related, as inbreeding can lead to health issues and a decrease in overall vitality.
  • Choose a mate that has a different but strong bloodline, which will contribute to a genetically diverse litter and healthier Rottweiler puppies.
9-  Set Clear Breeding Goals

  • Before selecting a mate, define your breeding goals. Are you breeding Rottweilers for conformation (appearance), working ability, or temperament? The mate you choose should align with these goals.
  • Responsible breeding is about improving the breed, so, make sure the mate brings valuable qualities that will enhance the next generation of Rottweilers.
10- Behavioural Compatibility

  • Make sure the breeding pair has compatible behaviour. Both dogs should be friendly, well-socialised, and free from major behavioural problems. Agressive or overly timid dogs can pass undesirable traits to their offspring.
  • Choosing a mate with compatible behaviour ensures a smoother mating process and increases the chances of producing well-adjusted puppies. 

Choosing the right mate for breeding Rottweilers is a careful process that involves evaluating health, temperament, pedigree, and physical traits. By focusing on genetic diversity and consulting with experts, you can make the best decision for your breeding program. This approach will help produce healthy, strong, and well-balanced Rottweiler puppies that meet the breed standard and have great temperaments.

By following these steps, you can ensure successful breeding of Rottweilers and contribute to the continued quality of this beloved breed.

F A Q:

1-What health tests should be done before breeding Rottweilers?


Both the male and female Rottweilers should undergo health screenings for hip and elbow dysplasia, heart conditions (aortic stenosis), and genetic eye disorders. Certifications from organisations like the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) or PenHIP should be provided by the breeder to ensure the dog is free of genetic health issues.

2- Why is pedigree important when choosing a breeding mate for Rottweilers?


A pedigree shows the dog's lineage, giving insights into its health, temperament, and genetic traits. 

3- How do I ensure genetic diversity in Rottweiler breeding?


To ensure genetic diversity, avoid breeding dogs that are closely related.

4- What should I consider in terms of temperament when selecting a Rottweiler mate?


The breeding mate should have a stable, confident, temperament. Rottweilers should be calm, loyal, and obedient, without excessive aggression or shyness. Breeding dogs with good temperaments helps ensure that the puppies will grow into well-behaved, balanced adults.

5- Should I choose a mate with working titles or show titles?


Yes, a mate with working or show titles proves the dog's quality in terms of physical traits, temperament, and trainability. Titles like AKC Champion (CH) or Schutzhund (IPO/IGP) show that the dog meets high standards, increasing the likelihood of producing puppies that excel in conformation or workability.


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