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Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy

  Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy Introduction I have a dog named Roxy, a Rottweiler by breed. I bred it when it was one month old. My son bought it from Dehradun on 16 August 2019. He trained it as per his knowledge and skill.  It was very small in size and cute in looking. So, every member of the family would take it in his/her lap while it preferred running on the floor and biting the wooden sofa. It growled when objected. Thus, it disfigured the corners of the sofa and chairs. My son arranged a bone toy for her and now, it engaged to chew the toy most of the time. When, it was one year old it dominated other dogs on the road. She was always ready to challenge and fight against them. Some times, it would run after the calves. Colour Size.and Weight Rottweiler, a muscles dog She is of black colour, average size of Rottweiler but her weight in fifth year is approximately 30 kg. Her black coat have shinning, it walks along with rippling muscles and pace. Her weight is con

How to Breed Rottweilers with Strong Temperaments

 How to Breed Rottweilers with Strong Temperaments


There are a number of variety of dogs found in the world with their own specialities The breeders decide what to opt and which could be the best for them. In this article, it is explained whatever breed you select, should go in breeding with strong temperaments. I prefer Rottweiler, so, I describe the methods and temperaments concerned to Rottweilers. Generally, Rottweiler are a breed renowned for their strength, loyalty, and protective instincts. 

Over the centuries, they have been used in various platforms, from cattle herders to security purposes, owing largely to their solid temperament. Though, temperament can be influenced by training and breeding factors, environment plays a pivot role in ensuring that these dogs possess the right balance of confidence, loyalty, and control. If you are thinking breeding Rottweilers with a strong temperament, this article could prove to be a guide for you through the important steps to ensure a successful breeding programme. 

Breeding Rottweilers with Strong Temperament:

Rottweiler Training steps

Before diving into breeding specifics, it's crucial to understand what a"strong temperament" means in the context of Rottweilers. The following points are important to note:

  • Confident and Calm: The dog should possess self -assurance and remain composed in stressful or unfamiliar situation.
  • Loyal and Protective: Rottweilers are known for their devotion to their families, making them excellent guard dogs.
  • Fearless but Controlled: A Rottweiler should not be overly aggressive or reactive. While they must defend, if needed, they should not exhibit uncontrolled aggression.
  • Trainable: High intelligence  and a desire to please are key attributes of a good temperament. A Rottweiler with a strong temperament is quick to learn and responds well to training.
This is the basic understanding, what constitutes a strong temperament, let's look at how breeders can ensure these traits are passed on to future  generations. 

Selecting the Right Breeding Pair

The foundation of breeding Rottweilers with strong temperament lies in choosing the right male and female dogs for mating. Both dogs should exhibit the desired behavioural traits and not show signs of anxiety, fear, or excessive aggression. I try to  tell you how to select the ideal pair:

1= Health and Genetic Testing

Before we fix the norms for Temperament, a healthy pair is essential for breeding. Both dogs should undergo genetic testing to rule out common hereditary conditions that effect Rottweilers, such as hip dysplasis, elbow displasis, and heart problems. A dog that is in pain or suffering from health issues may develop behavioural problems, including irritability or aggression.

2- Testament Testing

Selecting dogs with the right temperament is key. While physical traits are often easier to assess, temperament is more  important. When evaluating potential breeding dogs, consider the following:

  • Social Behaviour: How does the dog behave around people and other animals? A well-tempered Rottweiler should be sociable, neither too aloof nor overly friendly.
  • Response to Stress: Expose the dogs to mildly stressful environments to see how they react. A dog with a strong temperament should not panic  or or display extreme aggression.

  • Guarding Instincts: Since Rottweilers are natural protectors, it's important to to assess their guarding instincts. Does the dog react appropriately to perceive threats, or does it become overly aggressive in normal situations?
3- Studying Pedigrees:

Temperament traits are hereditary, or they are passed down from one generation to the next. When selecting your breeding pair, examine their pedigrees. A long line of  Rottweilers with a strong temperament increases the likelihood that these qualities will be passed down to their offspring. Working Rottweilers, such as those used in law enforcement or search and rescue, often come from lines specially bred for strong and resilience.

Nurturing Temperament from the Start

Rottweiler under training

Once you have selected the right pair, the breeding process itself can influence the temperament of the puppies. Early socialisation, exposure, and nurturing can play a pivotal role in how the puppies' temperaments develop.

1- Parental Care

It's true and fact that that a mother' dog's environment during pregnancy can effect the puppies' behaviour. A stressed and anxious mother is kept  in a calm, stable, and enriching environment during gestation. She should be well- nourished, exercised regularly, and given ample opportunities for mental stimulation.

2- Puppy Socialisation

The critical socialisation window for puppies is between 3 and 14 weeks of age. During this period, puppies are highly impressionable, and their experiences will shape their behaviour for life. Here are some tips for early socialisation;

  • Gentle Handling: From day one, the puppies should  should be gently handled by humans. This helps them become accustomed to human touch, reducing the risk of fear or aggression later in life. 
  • Exposure to Different Stimuli:  Gradually, expose the puppies to different sights, sounds, and smells. Whether, it's a sound of a vacuum cleaner or a car engine, puppies should learn early  on that these things are not threats.
  • Interactions with other Dogs and People: Puppies should meet a variety of people, including children, as well as other well- behaved dogs. This will help them  become confident and comfortable in different social settings.
3- Temperament Testing for Puppies

Around 7-8 weeks of age, puppies can be tested for temperament. Breeders should look for signs of confidence, social behaviour, and appropriate response to stress.  A puppy that hides or becomes overly aggressive when faced  with new stimuli may not have the strong temperament, you're aiming to breed. At this stage, a professional evaluation can also help indentify which puppies are more suited for working roles versus those better suited as family pets.

Ongoing Care and Development

Rottweiler temperament check-ins

After the puppies leave the breeder and go to their new homes, their continued development relies heavily on the care and training provided by their owners. However, breeders can play a role in ensuring the puppies have the best start by providing guidance and advice to new owners.

1- Training Advice: 

Encourage new owners to begin basic obedience training as soon as the puppy settles into its new home. Rottweilers are highly intelligent and respond well to consistent, reward-based training. Owners should be educated on the importance of positive reinforcement and consistency, in shaping a strong and stable temperament.

2- Support for  Socialisation

New owners should be encouraged to continue socialising their puppies. Joining puppy socialisation classes or taking the dog to different environments can help, ensure that the puppy grows up to be well- adjusted and confident in various situations.

3- Regular Check-ins

Breeders should maintain contact with new owners to monitor the puppies' development and address any issues that may arise. Offering ongoing support shows a commitment to breeding healthy, well-tempered dogs and helps identify any potential problems early.

Ethical Considerations in Breeding

While breeding for a strong temperament is important, breeders must also consider the ethical implications of their practices. Over breeding or breeding without regard to health and temperament can have serious consequences, not only for the dogs but also for the owners and communities as well. Always keep in mind the following points:

  • Responsible Breeding Practices
  • Focus on the Breed Standard
  • Limitation on Breeding


Breeding Rottweilers with a strong temperament requires careful planning, selection, and nurturing. By choosing the right breeding pair, focusing on early socialisation, and providing ongoing support, breeders can produce Rottweilers that are confident, loyal,and well-adjusted. Ethical breeding practices ensure that these magnificent dogs continue  to thrive, fulfilling their roles as protectors, companions, and working dogs for generations to come.

Ultimately, the key to success lies in a commitment to the health and well-being of the breed, ensuring that each new generation of Rottweilers not only meets the physical standards but also possesses the strong, balanced temperament for which the breed is renowned. Thus, we conclude by a message to breeders and the owners that they should regard the personality of Rottweilers and enrich its temperament by your dedication and love to these pets.


1-What is temperament?

2- How can you socialise the puppies

3- What points will you keep in mind to select the ideal pair of Rottweiler?

4-What is the social behaviour of a dog?

5- What is the right age for training  to Rottweiler's puppies?


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