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Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy

  Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy Introduction I have a dog named Roxy, a Rottweiler by breed. I bred it when it was one month old. My son bought it from Dehradun on 16 August 2019. He trained it as per his knowledge and skill.  It was very small in size and cute in looking. So, every member of the family would take it in his/her lap while it preferred running on the floor and biting the wooden sofa. It growled when objected. Thus, it disfigured the corners of the sofa and chairs. My son arranged a bone toy for her and now, it engaged to chew the toy most of the time. When, it was one year old it dominated other dogs on the road. She was always ready to challenge and fight against them. Some times, it would run after the calves. Colour Size.and Weight Rottweiler, a muscles dog She is of black colour, average size of Rottweiler but her weight in fifth year is approximately 30 kg. Her black coat have shinning, it walks along with rippling muscles and pace. Her weight is con

A Balanced Diet For Rottweiler Puppy (By - B.S.Bisht)

  A Balanced Diet For Rottweiler Puppy


In the present world most of the people having good facilities and space in their homes, like to bring a puppy home.Mostly the children are interested to have a pet at home. Bringing home a Rottweiler- puppy is an exciting and rewarding experience in our life. Though there are many varieties of dogs but Rottweiler is most dominating one. This loyal and affectionate dog is quickly become an integral part of our families. So far as their health issue concern it is an important factor ensuring health and well- being that starts with their diet. Just like any other breed, Rottweiler puppies require a balanced diet to grow into strong, healthy and happy adults. In this article, we will search into the field of Rottweiler puppy nutrition,giving them valuable insights and tips to help you provide the best possible diet for your furry friend



1- Understanding the Rottweiler Breed:

Before we try to know about the balanced diet of Rottweiler puppy, we should try to understand the nature and behaviour of the breed and its unique nutrtional requirements. Rottweilers are known for their strength, loyalty, and protective nature. They are medium to large sized dogs that have a muscular build and a natural inclination to be active. The breed is prone to certain health issues, including hip and elbow dyspepsia, bloat, and obesity. These factors play a significant role in determining their dietary needs.

2- Nutritional Essentials  for Rottweiler- Puppies: 

To grow into a strong and  healthy adult, Rottweiler puppy needs a balanced diet.You must understand the fundamental nutritional components they require:

(a) Protein: Rottweilers are a muscular breed, and Protein is essential for their muscle development and overall growth. Look for high quality sources of protein in their diet, such as lean meats (chicken, turkey, beef, fish and eggs.

(b)Fat: As we all know, fat is the best source of energy that helps maintain healthy skin and coat. Choose healthy fats like those found in fish oil and flax seed oil.

(c) Carbohydrates: While dogs are primarily carnivorous, so cabohydrates provide them with energy. Opt fr whole grains like rice, oats, and sweet potatoes.

(d) Vitamins and Minerals: These play a crucial role in overall health. Ensure your puppy gets a variety of vegetables and fruits to meet their Vitamins and Mineral needs.

(e) Water / Hydration: Adequate hydration is essential for digestion, and overall well- being. Always provide fresh, clean water for your Rottweiler puppy.

3-Choosing the Right Puppy Food:

What to feed and which to prevent  always  comes in mind.Selection of right puppy food for your puppy is a vital decision. We studied a lot and finally, here are some factors to consider.

(a) Age- Specific Food: Look for puppy fod specifically for mutated for large breeds.Rottweilers grew rapidly and their nutritional needs varyas they age.

(b) High- Quality Ingredients: Do remember to check the ingredients list on the food label' Avoide foods with filters, by-products, or artificial additives.

(c) Consult Your Veterinarian: Your veterinarian can provide valuable advice  and recommendations based on your puppy's individual needs, including any allergies or sensitivities.

(d) Monitor Your Puppy's Growth:  Always, keep an eye on your puppy's growth, weight,and adjust her food intake accordingly. Always keep in mind that overfeeding can lead to obesity and health problems.

4-Feeding Schedule and Portion Control:

 First, make a  feeding time- table for your puppies. After establishing a consistent feeding schedule follow the points accordingly. Divide theirdaily food intake into two to three meals, depending on their age. It,s notable that portion control is also very important to prevent over-eating and maintain a healthy weight.

5- Homemade v/s Commercial Diets:

It's very controversial among the breeders who  advocate for home made food for their puppies as a balanced diet. Some owners prefer preparing  home made meals for their Rottweiler puppies. While others prefer ready made puppy food. Anyway, the meal should be able to ensure all the nutritional needs as Protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and other essential ingrediants.

6- Treats and Snacks:

Treats can be a valuable tool for training and bonding with your Rottweiler puppy. However, its essential to choose healthy, low calorie treats that compliment their diet. Do remember, avoid excessive treats, as they can lead to weight - gain and imbalanced nutrition.

Special Dietary Requirements:

Rottweilers, like all breeds, may have individual dietary considerations. Some puppies may have allergies or sensitivities to certain ingredients.  They become diet fanatics. If you notice any digestive issues, skin problems, or other  health concerns, consult your veterinarian to identify potential dietary solutions.

8- Exercise and Diet:

A balanced diet alone is not enough to ensure your Rottweiler puppy's health and growth. Regular exercise is essential to help them burn off their excess energy, maintain a healthy weight and support overall well-being. Take care to be sure to engage in age appropriate activities and provide plenty of opportunities for physical and mental stimulation. 


Thus, the Rottweiler puppy nutrition journey is likely to end with a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates and other essential ingredients. By understanding their nutritional needs, choosing the right food, and maintaining portion control, you can provide the foundation for a long and fulfilling together. Remember that, every Rottweiler is unique, so it is essential to monitor your puppy's growth and health. With the right care and attention , your Rottweiler puppy will thrive and bring joy and happiness to your family for years to come without any grievances from society, neighbours and family members. Certainly you will feel pride in the company of Rottweiler-puppy as well as Rottweiler adult.


  1. It's an article on pets like Rottweiler,the most faithful dog. As the breedis aggressive but if proper love,affection and training given it proves itself one of the best obedient dog. The article is very inspiring useful specially for dog lovers.
    Hema Bisht, Almora


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