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Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy

  Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy Introduction I have a dog named Roxy, a Rottweiler by breed. I bred it when it was one month old. My son bought it from Dehradun on 16 August 2019. He trained it as per his knowledge and skill.  It was very small in size and cute in looking. So, every member of the family would take it in his/her lap while it preferred running on the floor and biting the wooden sofa. It growled when objected. Thus, it disfigured the corners of the sofa and chairs. My son arranged a bone toy for her and now, it engaged to chew the toy most of the time. When, it was one year old it dominated other dogs on the road. She was always ready to challenge and fight against them. Some times, it would run after the calves. Colour Size.and Weight Rottweiler, a muscles dog She is of black colour, average size of Rottweiler but her weight in fifth year is approximately 30 kg. Her black coat have shinning, it walks along with rippling muscles and pace. Her weight is con



Roxy, the rott weiler was under delivery. It got mating with a male wrott weiller named Casper on 11 October,22. Roxy delivered a puppy at 4 pm on 9 december and latter after 2 hours, delivered 4 puppies at the interval of half an hour. Thus at 8 o clock it gave birth to 5 puppies in all. Now she seems to be out of labour pain. She was not puffing now otherwise she was puffing continuously since morning.

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ROXY,a wrott weiller delivered 5 puppies

 I took her for morning walk for two km at 6.45 in the morning and came back at 7=30. She was in good mood, I combed her and gave a little break fast at 8 'o' clock which was fetched by my grand son Garvit aged 2yrs old as he usually provides her daily. But she was not interested taking the chapatis. She was roaming inside the kennel and the out break of the floor. She went behind the water tanks and stretched her body in that narrow place.

It seems she didn't like our company. Again she came in the sun puffing hard and lulled her legs. I counted the days of her pregnancy and concluded for 60 days. I was convinced the delivery of the dogs is often 62 days. I;m not versed in veterinary science but now I calculated it might go 60-62 days duration. She took not a single piece of loaf neither a piece of egg but at day time she sucked a glass of milk only. For the whole day, she was going inside the kennel and coming out on the floor of the house. It seems she was in labour pain. She delivered a puppy at 4 pm.

The first puppy was small in size, as the mother dog is big in size and we too have the experience of her past deliveries that the size of the new born puppies would be bigger than this one, delivered today. The dog was breathing hard all the family members surrounded the kennel knowing that it shouldn't be applied that crucial time. Only doctors presence might be helpful for the suffering creature. 

The experience aso counts much if not a veterinary degree. Arun pulled the next puppy which was half out and half inside the mother's womb. Gradually, the next one took birth and the number counted at 5. Now the dog was not puffing and positioned silent licking the new born puppies removing the wet net round their bodies. It is the month of December, the temperature is less than 7 degree C. We also arranged a heater to warm the room of Roxy, the dog with 5 puppies. The bed was warm and the temperature of the room was now moderate.

We found that only one of the puppies was sucking the udder of her mother the others were rolling to the body of mother dog. We arranged some drops of milk to their throats pushing the udders one by one to their mouths. It was sad that one of the puppies had no movement, it was lying on the bed under her mother's bag motionless. It was breathless. It lost it's life at night. The others two were more in critical positions as they were crowelling to their mother' bags but not sucking the milk.

Next day, it was sunny, so wishing the puppies baking the sun, kept them all in the sun. The two poor puppies were now slow in motion, weaker than yesterday, almost like motionless but opening their mouth again and again puffing hard taking their tounge out of the mouth. It was pity on the part of all of us, We saw the puppies breathing their last. It was very terregic and painful. Now, the number of living puppies were only two, One was healthy and active but the other one was losing its smartness and getting dull at every moment.In the evening of the second day of its birth it also breathed its last. We lost 4 puppies before our eyes.

The third day, seems to be good. In the morning, I took Roxy for a morning walk while free from morning calls at a short distance of hardly 200 metres. She was in good mood, The puppy I noticed in good condition but the departure of mother in the morning for morning calls took 30 minutes, This separation for 30 minutes was difficult for the young one to get it warm under the bed as it was lying carelessly under the body of mother dog Roxy.

The poor dog lost it's all the puppies.

 After 30 minutes separation, I found the puppy dull and weak. Though it sucked the udder of the mother dog again and the dog hide it under its body giving her care and love. My grand son Garvit again claimed for the breakfast of Roxy. I feel he was  interested looking the new one puppy more. We both came with a loaf of chapati and entered the kennel found the puppy lying under her mothers body sucking the udder for milk. It looks very pleasant. Garvit took the new born puppy in his hand and cried with joy.

Roxy is un comfortabe today, the puppy is not active and sucking the milk. It is lying on the bed unconscious not moving along the body of her mother. Her bags are full of milk and hanging with the weight of the milk but no puppy is to feed. How poor the mother and the owner! We all hope for the revival of the fifth puppy which was really good in health active and sucking milk  freely since birth,how could it demise! This time, both the mother dog and the puppy are lying in bed in the kennel. 

It is 2 'o' clock now, The last alive puppy is breathing it's last. It's tongue is out of mouth only scuffing. It seems it would survive no more. The mother dog is looking at it griefing its woes. It seems tears would come soon. The mother is putting her face or mouth on her lightly and licking it time to time but no response, neither movement nor breathing now. the puppy is no more. The mother dog Roxy is alone now. How it is difficult to explain her that all the puppies are no more. It is only hope and faith which will strengthen my dog, ROXY. May God bless her power to bear this loss.



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