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Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy

  Why People are Panic for My Rottweiler - Roxy Introduction I have a dog named Roxy, a Rottweiler by breed. I bred it when it was one month old. My son bought it from Dehradun on 16 August 2019. He trained it as per his knowledge and skill.  It was very small in size and cute in looking. So, every member of the family would take it in his/her lap while it preferred running on the floor and biting the wooden sofa. It growled when objected. Thus, it disfigured the corners of the sofa and chairs. My son arranged a bone toy for her and now, it engaged to chew the toy most of the time. When, it was one year old it dominated other dogs on the road. She was always ready to challenge and fight against them. Some times, it would run after the calves. Colour Size.and Weight Rottweiler, a muscles dog She is of black colour, average size of Rottweiler but her weight in fifth year is approximately 30 kg. Her black coat have shinning, it walks along with rippling muscles and pace. Her weight is con



The Essence of Happiness

I will never forget the dedication in the book of one of the most reputable experts on the subject of motivation, the American Dr. David J. Schwartz, The Magic of Thinking Big. When his six-year-old son completed kindergarten, Dr. Schwartz asked him what he would like to be when he grew up. Without hesitation, the child replied, Dad, I want to be a professor. A professor? A professor of what?, Dr. Schwartz asked. "Well, Dad", his son replied, I think I want to be a professor of happiness. A professor of happiness! That's a pretty wonderful ambition, don't you think? To them – David, a fine boy with a grand goal, and to his mother, this book is dedicated.

 If we were to ask what light is, we would get the most accurate description from a person who had lost the ability to see, and if we were to ask what freedom is, we would certainly get the best explanation from a person who had lost it. However, I do not believe it necessary to ask anyone what happiness is. Most people think that happiness is a result of personal qualities and circumstances which cannot be measured. For others, the goal of happiness is all or nothing. One of the best tennis players in the world, Arancha Sanchez-Vicario, gave the following answer to the question. What is a nice day for you? A day that I feel happy. There is no direct road to happiness, except through our own adaptation and adjustment. 

But what does that mean? It means that we should not live our lives waiting to become happy, but rather continuously and persistently dedicating ourselves to learning to experience personal happiness. Sometimes people are blind to the happiness around them, and the more opportunities for the happiness they get, the unhappier they feel. For truly happy people, time ceases to exist; they seldom peek at their wristwatches. There are no unsolvable problems for the truly happy. They constantly smile and simply live their lives. So what can we do to adapt to this new way of living? We shouldn't always wonder and ask what we need to do in order to achieve absolute happiness.

 Sometimes, quite often, in fact, we must know what not to do – what we must avoid and distance ourselves from – so that we can become happier. An obstacle to our happiness could be the fear of acting wrongly or incorrectly. This is a problem we experience from very early childhood to our golden years. The problem exists because we are used to other people telling us what is proper and improper – what is right and wrong. If we decide to form and develop our happiness ourselves, it is up to us to balance the guiding influence of moral and social conventions with the fundamental freedom of moral self-determination.

 Regardless of how they connect with our careers, our education, business, family, health, wealth, perfection, glory, and power our dreams and desires have their own paths. Once, we can able to truly believe that we will find and follow this path, we will certainly become happier. Such faith gives us enormous power, divine guidance, and inner strength to walk our path with confidence and accept our challenges with grace. Therefore, we have to learn to strive toward giving our best effort every day, to carefully measure all our thoughts, words, or deeds, and to try to realize whether they make us happy or unhappy. The ultimate goal is achieving absolute happiness. Millions of people look for it, but only a handful create it themselves.

 Quick And Easy Ways To Feel Happier

All of us have days when we’re out of sorts. You just wish you were in a better mood. You’ve had days like that, haven’t you? Perhaps you tried to get yourself into a better state of mind but struggled to achieve it. Sometimes we get stuck in our own emotional dumps and forget how easy it is to feel happier, so here are seven simple ways to lift your mood. Many people have found them useful. Some of them may surprise you!

 1. Go for a walk. Most people know that going for a short daily walk is one of the best forms of exercise. When you are feeling down it is even more beneficial. If you can, go into a natural environment with plants and birds. Can you think of such a setting not? What do you notice first? The different shades of greenery, the fresh smell of country air, the sounds of birds, or the sunlight shining through the trees? Make it real by taking a short stroll.

 2. Listen to quality music. Music can shift a listener’s state within moments. Its effect can be nearly magical. Dig out that CD you haven’t listened to in ages or tune in your radio to something you’ve never listened to before.

 3. Open yourself to discovering something new. Read something (printed, not online) different than what you would normally watch. There are a ton of different types of magazines can you get these days. Visit your local library or browse through a magazine rack. Pick up or buy a magazine you wouldn’t normally buy. You may discover something wonderful.

 4. Find something to laugh at. Laughter is one of the best ways to lift your spirits. Find a humorous book, or watch a comedy. Even better, try to learn a few new jokes and tell them to others.

 5. Simple breathing meditation. Breathing meditation is a great exercise that you can do anywhere. Simply allow yourself to sit comfortably with your back straight. Now close your eyes and become aware of the flow of air into and out of your nostrils. That’s all there is to it. Do this for 10-15 minutes. Notice how pleasantly surprised you can be at how you feel afterward.

 6. Doodling for the fun of it. Most people can remember when they were young and used to doodle for hours. Kids love drawing silly little pictures. Drawing is not just for kids or artists. Whoever you are get some pens, pencils, crayons, or whatever you have and just draw for the fun of it. Notice how your state of mind shifts.

 7. Think of others less fortunate. The fact that you are reading this article suggests that you are probably much better off than most people on this planet. At times this may be hard to believe, but if you can read and have access to the internet, just those two things alone mean you are better off than most people in the world.

 There are many human beings that barely have access to the basics of survival. There are people in lots of pain. Allow your compassion for them to grow. These are all pretty simple. There’s nothing profound or life-changing, but when all you need is a quick pick me up these may be just the thing you need. Putting simple ideas, methods, tools, and techniques into action will help you achieve change more quickly and easily–surprisingly so at the time than you imagine.

Use The Power Of Your Thoughts

The greatest power we ever got is the power of our thoughts. There is an Intelligence inside us that can elevate our life at the highest level. Everyone should learn to collaborate with this Intelligence which is organized to react to our intentions and to create with us a life of abundance and happiness. Freedom, happiness, richness, love, friendship, health, and wealth are our birthright. We have been created to live our lives in freedom, health, and wealth. If our life doesn't look like that, it means we block ourselves from our thoughts.

 Our thoughts are very powerful instruments we use to either create happiness and wealth or sickness and poverty. If your life doesn't look like what you're dreaming of, it means you have thoughts that go against you. Your thoughts create your life. If you want to change your life, change first your thoughts. You can choose your thoughts. Nobody in the world can put a thought in your head without your permission. Your mind belongs to you! It's your job to control your thoughts! You are the master of your head, you are the guardian of your thoughts. 

You can change them. Choose those thoughts that will bring you the results you want. Never think of a thing you don't want to happen. Read that again: never think a thought you don't want to become true. It means: don't think anything negative about yourself if you don't want this thought to become real. If you don't want to be stupid, stop thinking about what you are. If you don't want to be fat, stop rehearsing in your head how fat you are now. If you don't want to lose your boyfriend or girlfriend, stop thinking about this possibility.

 Instead of these destructive thoughts, choose thoughts that reinforce you. Choose to think about how intelligent you are, and you will be! Choose to think how beautiful you are, and you will shine like a star! Choose to think you are loved, and you will! Thoughts are energy. Every thought carries an energy level. Your choice: or you choose thoughts which lower your energy level, or you choose thoughts that increase your energy level. It's in your hands! Or better: it's in your head! How you will feel and act depends on what you think.

 Every action and emotion is preceded by a thought. You can choose thoughts that block you or even paralyze you. It isn't any more difficult to watch your thoughts to be able to choose them consciously. It's just a matter of exercise and consciousness. Once you’ve learned how to become the master of your thoughts, you become the master of your life!

The Essence of Happiness

 If checking your thoughts seems too difficult for now, you can start watching your mouth. Never let come out of your mouth something you don't want to happen! Never wish bad luck to anyone if you don't want this to realize. Watch your mouth, watch your words, watch your thoughts, and become the creator of your own life! Your life does not depend on others. It depends on your own ability to master your thoughts.

Man makes his own fate. It's perfectly true. When we go deep in history, we find that life is the result of our deeds, thoughts, and mindsets. The great persons of the world are found to be very positive in their ideology. They suffered a lot for their mission but got success at the end of their life. At present, the politicians, the entrepreneurs, the millionaires, the scientists, the doctors, and all the achievers are successful because of their thought processes. Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Luther King (junior),  Abraham Lincoln are some of the successful persons of the world.

The Essence of Happiness


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